I was wondering if anyone else has read this article in the watchtower ?
here, someone is aking the question: upon hearing that the imprisoned peter was at the door, why did the disciples say: it is his angel ?
to my reasoning ...if it walks like a duck and quakes like a duck ....it IS a duck
OBVIOUSLY the disciples thought that you went to heaven when you died and they thought that this WAS peter returned.
the article goes into a mis matched theory and quotes ecclesiates 9:5'10 which just (in my mind) shows the condition of the dead...i.e that when dead and returned to spirit form you no longer think like a human but that of a spirit creature...i.e no love hate etc.. (human emotions and feelings have been forgotton them, now they are spiritual beings) (the rememberance of being human has been forgotton to them
the WTBTS even go as far as to say that the disciples may have erroneously thought it was peters gaurdian angel..even though the bible dosen't make mention of this?????????????
PHEW... talk about trying to make the shoe fit!
this article quotes ECCLESIASTES 9: 5,10 but if you look up the word ...'concious' it is really translated knowlege ... when translated (YARA means knowlege) and knowlege can just mean knowlege about being human i.e feeling love hate envey etc... (i.e you can be concious but have no knowlege of advanced maths)
the FACT is that the disciples didn't ASK the question 'IS it peters angel? he looked like peter and talked like peter and the disciples thought that it WAS peter's ANGEL.
hence they made a statement............it IS peters angel!........thinking full well that peter had been killed and was now an angel in heaven...returned to give them a message from god.
did anyone else read this article and think it was mis matched reasoning???